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As A Single Mother with a Son who has autism...

I developed an interest in learning about Autism Spectrum Disorders when my son was showing signs of autism at the age of 2.  He was "officially" diagnosed with severe autism when he was 3 years and 8 months old.  


Since I knew that he was not able to learn like children without autism, I began homeschooling him. While we have had many encounters with a variety of different schools and services over the years, homeschooling has maintained consistent in our daily lives.  I strive to present a positive outlook on autism and homeschooling and to let others know that it is possible to do with success!


I have personally put this website together to share it with other parents who have a child (or children) with autism and are homeschooling or who might be considering homeschooling. 


While each topic has there many challenges and/or differences, there are also many successful achievements and rewarding milestones with both that go hand in hand! 


I have compiled a great deal of information and many local resources that I have become aware of that might be helpful if shared with others in hopes that it makes things a bit easier for them to find. 


  • I am not a doctor/physician or a therapist. 

  • I am not diagnosing or prescribing any medication, therapy, treatment or service for your child.  

  • I am not a registered teacher.

  • I am not a lawyer. 


I am simply a homeschooling parent with a child who is on the spectrum.


I am interested in helping you to stay informed by providing information and resources about autism and homeschooling for your consideration and your personal research purposes to enhance your child’s daily living and learning experiences with positivity, acceptance, fun and love!


I sincerely hope that you enjoy this website and it is my hope that by browsing through the content that you will discover things that could potentially help you along your journey with autism and homeschooling. 


If you have found the information on this website helpful and would like to help keep it going, please consider making a contribution. 



Thank you for your support!

- Stephanie


What We Do


Scarborough Autism and Special Needs Services provides information and support for individuals who are part of the autism spectrum.  Our information is primarily based for those who are home schooled and require information about home-based education in Ontario, but we also provide information to those who are enrolled with the Toronto District School Board.  While we recognize the independent choice of parents exercising their right to determine the educational methods that are best suited to their child’s special needs, we also encourage respectful communication and compassionate understanding between home educators and the schools of the Toronto District School Board. 

Our Values


We strive to promote understanding and positive awareness about the different educational needs of those who have autism and to enrich everyone who has been affected directly or indirectly, by those on the autism spectrum. 

This site is dedicated to my wonderful, handsome, amazing son!


I will never be able to repay you, or thank you enough

for all of the wonderful gifts,

forever memorable moments, beautiful smiles,

and unconditional love

you have given to me every single day of your life.


I love you so much.


-Mama xo

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