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Teaching & Learning Styles

I very often get asked, “What is your Style of our Homeschooling?”

Any style of homeschooling is made of 2 parts. Teaching and Learning.  


For us, our style of homeschooling is not classified under one particular “style”.  

It is a combination of several different types of styles and approaches and follows no single teaching method or a specific philosophy. I have researched many different styles of homeschooling over the years and have taken a variety of practices of all different “styles” to incorporate them into what works best for my child at any given time so he can learn without limitations. I select and use a variety of diverse approaches, methods, tools, and resources according to what works best for our own family and our homeschooling needs.
In simple terms to best describe our homeschooling, it takes on an “eclectic approach” which is a combination of both structured parent-directed learning and child-led natural learning.
It is parent-guided learning through a broad spectrum of life experiences rather than the main focus on specific materials or practices that are designed for instruction, however; we do use books, worksheets, computers and many other tools of electronic media. Our approach to learning is to allow my child to think for himself and to help him communicate in a way that he knows how so that he can be understood by others. I have him study several important topics in-depth such as daily living, life skills, safety and communication to produce greater learning on important areas of life rather than focusing on unrelated or irrelevant bits of information.  
I am sensitive to his level of physical and emotional health and wellness and emphasize on the importance of treating him respectfully as a free-spirited person who is capable of learning new things with exposure and with positive encouragement.  I focus on allowing him to discover and research things through personal experiences and positively encourage him to apply himself while offering help and guidance when necessary. I allow my child to initiate his natural curiosity and desire to learn which motivates him to discover what he needs to know when he needs to know it. I allow him to learn and exercise his mental readiness and imagination through creative play and the exploration of the subjects being taught with art, stories, dancing, and other creative activities.
I take into consideration our personal and spiritual beliefs along with focusing on nature and natural learning throughout the developmental stages of his life. I focus on providing him with the tools he needs to have him grow to be independent and give him confidence while focusing on his well-being at home within our family, with friends, with neighbours, and within the local community.  
I incorporate all of these methods and practices in our homeschooling and as part of our daily lifestyle.


Learning Styles

Before you even begin to think about teaching, you need to figure out which type of learning style works best for your child. Every person (autistic or not) has their own learning style. You will want to understand how your child is learning and how they process things. You must also take into consideration what they are capable of doing. With homeschooling, you can custom tailor the teaching methods you use to the way that your child will learn best. This way you can determine what your child might need to develop in certain areas. You must use methods that are useful and helpful and be sure to change anything that needs to be changed.


Teaching Styles

Do not overwhelm your child by trying to teach every single subject and don't try to incorporate all of the standard methods of teaching used by the institutional school system in your homeschooling.  If your child can learn with some traditional methods of teaching then that is a fantastic achievement!  But if they are unable to please don’t worry!  There are plenty of other options for learning and methods of teaching and you will find the one that works for your child. 

Learning Never Stops

Educate yourself on everything that could be related to your very own homeschooling experience.  It is important to remember that learning in itself is a life long journey.  Don’t feel that you have to have a master's degree or a know-all before you begin your homeschooling journey.  It isn’t about that.  Knowing and understanding your child completely is the most important criteria.  There is lots of homeschooling support and information available online and there are many like-minded individuals just like you! Read articles or speak to others who are in similar situations for encouragement or ask questions.  You can search online for many resources and ideas.  Remember that you are not isolated or alone in your homeschooling your child with autism.  Connect with other people such as professionals to everyday folks in your daily life who can help you along the way who are respectful your choices and decisions and most importantly, your philosophy of education.

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